det här är tydligen en låt som ska vara med i nya twilight filmen!
I can still feel you near
Though you're far away I fear
Did you mean the words you said
Did you mean to leave me here dead
What's my life with no you
What's the night with no moon
You can turn your cheek
But can you forget me
You can fly away
But can you stay
I try to run fast
But there's no running from this past
I try to forget
But you I'll never regret
You can turn your cheek
But can you forget me
You can fly away
But can you stay
Time seems to pass
I can never outlast
My love
Your face
My tears
Your cold embrace
You can turn your cheek
But can you forget me
You can fly away
But can you stay
Under this new moon- I'll always love you
Love You
den här e så bra, oxå twilight!!
just det har ÄNTLIGEN byt låtarpå bloggen! den första låten dansade vi till påkollots slut show och den andra sjöng jag emma, issa, julia och mathild till.